Street Corner Renaissance has been invited to perform in Dubai, the richest city in the world from Dec. 29th 2014 – Feb. 5th 2015. And guess what. We’re going.
YAY! This promises to an adventurous engagement and life changing experience.
In addition to the stated business at hand we’ll be pursuing every opportunity available to us to advance the cause of Street Corner Style a’cappella singing along with our particular spin and performance style. This trip will kick off what we anticipate as being an awesome year of continued growth and accomplishments. (Details to come as they develop)
Thanks to everyone who has supported our journey thus far. We appreciate all of your prayers and well wishes. But hold on … It Ain’t Over Yet! So don’t stop now…Stay tuned
UPDATE: Pictured above, day 1 in Dubai at the Global Village performing to a crowd of 1oo, ooo. Saturday’s attendance is expected to be over 6oo,ooo. Stay tuned